Fukue Church 福江教会

The closest church to Fukue Port

This white concrete church was built in the center of Fukue Island. The current church was constructed in 1962, and was miraculously saved from a great fire that broke out that same year. It is said that the church, standing tall over the ruins of the fire, gave the people affected by the fire courage as a symbol of reconstruction. It also plays a central role among the churches of Goto City.

History, Cultural Properties & Japan Heritage Churches
Travel Theme
Touching Traditions and History Rain won't the fun

General Information

Address 853-0005 長崎県五島市末広町3-6
Car Park available
Directions 10 minutes' walk from Fukue Port
15 minutes' drive from Fukue AirPort
Website https://fukuechurch.jimdofree.com/


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