Miiraku Nagasakibana Lighthouse 三井楽長崎鼻灯台

A lighthouse soaring over the last port of call for the envoys to Tang China

This lighthouse is around 15 m tall, and stands in the west of the Miiraku Peninsula, an area connected to the final port of call in Japan of the ships carrying envoys to Tang China. The coastal area and ocean stretching from Takasakibana in Miirakucho to Kashiwazaki and Nagasakibana has been designated as Japan Heritage. You can see the lighthouse as you travel from Fuchinomoto Catholic Graveyard toward Takahama Beach.
*Be cautious when driving here as the road is narrow.

Nature & Scenic Spots

General Information

Address 853-0606 長崎県五島市三井楽町丑ノ浦
Directions 10 minutes' drive from Fukue Port
15 minutes' drive from Fukue AirPort


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